How to choose the right Mayo Stand

Are all Mayo Stands the same? No. There are many different types, sizes, and materials that mayo stands are made of. Each one has it’s own unique benefit and is useful in a certain area of the medical facility. Make sure when you choose mayo stands for your facility, you get what you need but don’t over spend. This short easy to use guide will make it easy to choose the correct mayo stands for your facility:

  1. Where will the Mayo Stands be used?
    • Clinical Care
    • Doctors Office/Procedure Rooms
    • Operating Rooms
  2. What size Tray is needed?
    • Determine the number of instruments used
  3. What type of mobility is needed on the base?
  4. Does the height of the Mayo Stand need to be adjusted during procedures?

Where will the mayo stand be used?

Where the mayo stand is used has a direct impact on the material allowed.For a doctors office or clinical setting, a chrome mayo stand will be adequate. However, there are stainless steel versions available that are not much higher in price that will make your investment last much longer. A great example of this style is our knob-control mayo stand. It adjusts in height with a knob and is available in 2 sizes. It is a great fit for clinical areas or low volume OR’s where a stainless steel stand is needed but some money can be saved. Due to the harsh environmental demands and the rigorous cleaning procedures in operating rooms, stainless steel is required. We recommend either our foot control mayo stand or thumb control mayo stand for use in operating rooms.

What size tray is needed?

There are a wide variety of sizes available in mayo stands. Mid Central medical offers 4 common sizes of trays that fit most needs in medical facilities.

  1. 12 x 19 â€“ a small tray for light procedures where 3-5 tools are needed. Also great for areas where space is tight. This size is available in foot control, thumb control, or know b control. A great fit for doctors offices.
  2. 16 x 21 â€“ a medium suize tray and alsot our most popular. This is a great size for most procedures and is the most widely used size in mayo stand. Great for procedures where 5-10 instruments will be needed near the surgical site. This size is available in knob control, thumb control, and foot control models.
  3. 20 x 25 â€“ a large mayostand great for those in depth procedures that require a large number of instruments to be prepped near the surgical site. A great fit for ortho cases. Available in foot control model only.
  4. 30 x 26 â€“ our extra large mayo stand for those huge procedures or where a table is needed near the surgical site.Top tray does not remove due to the size and base will not fit under standard OR table bases.However a great fit for those very large cases that require a large volume of heavy equipment to be near the surgical site.Great for ortho, spine, and cardiac cases.

What base style is needed?

  1. Roll and stay base -The most common mayo stand base style.Rolls on two casters and sets down on legs that are flat on the floor.Slides under the base of most OR tables. Can also be called a sled base.
  2. Mobile base -Rolls on 4 casters at all times.Feet do not fit under base of most OR Tables but a great added feature depending on your preference.
  3. Large mobile base â€“ Our large mayo/vetnric stand has a T-base with locking casters to support the large top size.Does not fit under most OR table bases.

Does the stand need to be adjust during procedure?

Mid central medical has several different ways to adjust the height of mayo stands.Some can be adjusted during procedure and others are more difficult to adjust during the procedure.

  1. Knob control â€“ height is adjusted with a friction thumb knob mostly before procedure.Knob is under the sterile drape when stand is draped.
  2. Thumb control â€“ Easily adjusts in height with a thumbe know that can be adjusted from anyside of the OR table without compromising the sterile drape.
  3. Foot control â€“ easily sdjusts at any time with foot pedal.Sterile nurse can used the foot pedal and steady with hands on the tray.
  4. Crank control â€“ Adjusts in height with a hand crank.Crank is under sterile drape so a little difficult to adjust during procedure.Only available on our large size mayo stand.

This buying guide is simply a guide to help choose the correct mayo stand for your facility.For more help in choosing the correct stand. Contact Mid Central Medical to have one of our trained staff identify what is best for your facility.
